入学要求 Requirement:
学术要求:A good undergraduate degree in economics.
英语要求:IELTS, minimum score 6.5
学费 Tuition Fee:2011/2012 £11490.00
课程特征 Course Features:
Expand your knowledge of economic global development and policy-making in developing countries. This course prepares you for a career in international financial institutions, non-government organisations and governments in developing countries.
课程内容 Course Content :
Core modules
•Microeconomic Analysis
•Macroeconomic Analysis
•Econometric Methods
•Development Economics
•Development Finance
•International Money and Finance
Optional modules
Choose two from the following:
•Industrial Organisation
•Asset Pricing
•Advanced Mathematical Economics
•Monetary Economics and Dynamic Optimisation
•Applied Macroeconometrics
•Applied Microeconometrics
教学与评估 Teaching and Assessment:
Computer practicals
Coursework (including essays and project work)
You must pass the taught stage to proceed to the dissertation.
职业机会 Career Opportunities:
Recent graduates now work as economists with leading financial services and consultancy firms, government departments here and abroad, and as economists with international organisations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).