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课程类型: 硕士课程
会计 / 金融 / 经济硕士
学校名称: 卡迪夫大学 Cardiff University
学校位置: 威尔士
课程长度: 12个月
开学日期: 10月
卡迪夫大学 Cardiff University
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入学要求 Requirement:

学术要求:Suitable for graduates who possess a first degree in Accounting and Finance, or who have studied a significant amount of accounting and finance as part of their degree

英语要求:IELTS band 6.5, with a minimum of 6.0 in each category

学费 Tuition Fee:2011/2012         £13,185.00

课程特征 Course Features:

The course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive and rigorous training in advanced accounting and finance.

A modular, research-led degree delivered by experienced researchers of international standing.
A degree which provides students with an opportunity to focus on international aspects of Accounting and Finance.

Provides excellent training for those who wish to pursue doctoral level research with a view to an academic of research-orientated career.

课程内容 Course Content :

The MSc in Accounting and Finance comprises a taught component, directed reading, assignments, examination and a dissertation. The taught component covers two academic semesters - the first covering four 'core' modules, and the second, two core modules plus two options. During this time students attend lectures, tutorials and seminars, coupled with directed reading and other assignments.
Following this, students carry out project work during the summer culminating in the submission of a dissertation.

Programme of Study

Autumn Semester:
Principles of Finance
Advanced Financial Reporting
Research Methods
Management Accounting and Control

Spring Semester:
Research Topics in Finance
Research Topics in Accounting
International Corporate Finance
Financial Derivatives
International Accounting
Advanced Management Accounting

The dissertation is a 20,000-word research-based study, typically comprising a review of the literature and an empirical study of an area of accounting and finance such as: auditing, accounting history, corporate governance, financial markets, financial management, financial reporting, management accounting or public sector accounting.

评估 Assessment:
The programme is assessed using a variety of methods, including written examinations, essays and reports, case analysis and presentation, article review, group work and problem-based reports.

The variety in assessment methods is designed to develop a range of abilities and skills in both theoretical and practical aspects of accounting and finance.
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