入学要求 Requirement:
学术要求:An upper second class honours degree, or equivalent. Work experience in management, management education, consultancy, human resource development or administration would be advantageous.
英语要求: IELTS 7.0
学费 Tuition Fee:2011/2012 £13,000
课程特征 Course Features:
Our established, international programme is specifically designed to help individuals convert to or strengthen careers in management consultancy HRD, training, development and management education. It is also relevant for those with experience wishing to review their practice and deepen their knowledge.
For those who wish subsequently to continue to PhD, the programme provides exposure to both qualitative and quantitative research methods necessary for those seeking ESRC PhD funding.
课程内容 Course Content :
The first two terms are based on a series of core modules which focus on distinct aspects of management, leadership and organisational learning, such as:
HRD and Management Learning
HRD and Organisational Learning
International Management Learning
Design for Learning
Networked Learning
Corporate Management Development
Leadership Development
Organisational Diagnosis and Consulting
The whole programme is learner-centred and the content of each module aims to take account of (a) the interests and experiences of the students, and (b) the general state of knowledge and research in management, leadership and organisational learning at the present time.
评估 Assessment:
Combination of coursework assignments, group work and dissertation.