Steven(Lu同学的英文名字)的继父是英国人,母亲开办了一所语言学校,所以父母双方都讲一口流利的英语。Steven之前去过英国两次,都是短暂旅行,他的英语也很不错。因为兴趣广泛,Steven并没有特别喜欢数学或科学,也不想只学习理科,所以他没选A Level,而是选择了IB文凭课程。
Steven和父母一起到了我们公司,先前他们已经和一位在教育展上遇到的CATS 坎特伯雷代表交谈过。于是,我们安排他们和该校校长进行了一次面谈,当时校长刚好在上海访问。见面期间,父母两人都问了很多问题,也了解了不少有关学校和IB文凭课程的信息。会面结束后,我们又协助Steven向CATS坎特伯雷学院 递交了申请,并获得了录取。就这样,Steven成功于九月份飞抵英国开始了他在新学校的生活,他父母也在10月份到英国去看他,确定他在那边一切安好。以下是Seven的父亲针对Steven的学习情况写的一个Q&A。
Q: How does Steven feel about his new school?
Steven 觉得新学校怎么样?
A: No complaints made at all.
Q: How does Steven feel about his course?
A: Again, no complaints.
Q: How does Steven feel about life in the UK in general? –
A: Consider: He has been to the UK twice before on short visits (including to Canterbury but before there was any thought that he would ever go there for study). He had experienced boarding at high school in China – but came home at weekends. He makes friends quite quickly. In addition to normal English classes at high school, he did several weeks of intensive oral English immediately before starting at CATS (during which his oral English improved considerably). Even so, we feel he has adapted far quicker and better than we expected.
Q: How is Steven doing so far?
A: His attendance is over 98%. He feels maths (not his strong point) to be easier than expected. No complaints with his other subjects – but still very early days yet! Classes are much smaller than in China, so tuition is more ‘personal’. We are sure he is enjoying the freedom at weekends, even if the classwork is just as (or more than?) intensive than in China.He is scheduled to attend a half term week ‘adventure’ course in Wales next week. He is visiting London with some of his friends this weekend, with a bit of sight-seeing thrown in. I hope he gets through it!
他上课出勤率超过了98%,数学不是他的强项但感觉比预想的要容易。其他科目都还好 – 不过现在都还早呢!课堂规模比中国小的多,所以能够“个性化”辅导 。我们很肯定他周末过的自由快乐,即便作业量和中国一样,甚至可能比中国的多一点儿。学校安排他下周到威尔士参加半学期“冒险”学习周的学习。这周末,他和一些朋友访问伦敦去了,带些观光旅游。我希望他一切顺利!
Q: How is Steven adapting to English medium teaching?
A: He did not express any problems during our 3 or 4 meetings with him.
Q: What did we both think about the college?
A: Location in Canterbury is excellent, with less than 30 minutes walk into the centre – an old historic Cathedral City; with several colleges as well as 2 Universities, so the whole City is geared up for many students. As for the CATS college itself? Staff are very helpful, both in admin and Steven’s ‘mentor’. The 2 buildings we saw were not quite ‘Harry Potter’ style, but we were pleased to note they were not all ‘glass & steel’ – buildings had some old style character.
One item we did find a problem with and that was in Steven’s first week, one teacher did not attend the (geography?) class. And again during the time we visited, one teacher did not attend class – maybe due, he said, to the very recent schedule change (however, the students managed it!)
One picture attached. The 6 friends (one hidden) are all new; after just about 6-7 weeks at college – Although all are Chinese, none were known to Steven before he started at CATS.
随附一张照片。Steven到CATS 6-7周之后照的,照片里有6位新朋友(其中一个被挡到了),虽然都是中国人,全都是他到CATS以后认识的。
Yuang Lu, 来自中国,就读于剑桥文理学院 坎特伯雷校区,学习国际文凭课程。