廖同学(英文名字Sydney)来自台湾,在上海生活了几年,然后申请了英国的希斯菲尔德学校(Heathfield School), 这是一所小小的女子寄宿学校,位于离伦敦不远的阿斯科特。Sydney在这所学校成绩非常优异,读GCSE时拿了9个A*。她想找一所大点儿的,并且学习上更具挑战性的混合学校读A Level,所以目标自然就是一些排名很高的学校。
Sydney是我们合作特别愉快的学生之一。她非常聪明,英语十分出色,而且知道自己想要什么,同时也十分愿意倾听我们的意见。我们为她注册了5所学校,包括布莱顿学院,威克姆阿贝学校等等。布鲁姆斯格鲁夫学校给她offer的时候,她需要考虑一下,不过最终选择了这所学校,下面是来自Sydney的反馈 – 看来没有选错学校。
Life in Bromsgrove is completely different from Heathfield School. A big school would certainly have a different atmosphere. For example you do have many international pupils. In fact most of the borders would be overseas, so there is diversity in terms of people. A big school also operates differently, in which more independence is required.
I would start with the accommodation. I am in Oakley house, which has just been refurnished and almost everything is completely new. I share the room with another girl. Our room is quite spacious, with a toilet and shower. The boarding staff are all really nice and helpful, which I think is really important in a big school when so many things are going on and it is really easy to get lost.
It is always busy in Bromsgrove. They offer a wide range of activities from debating society to martial arts. In my case I've chosen Model United Nations, recreational badminton, and extension for perspectives (basically lectures for pupils who are interested in politics, philosophy, and economics). I enjoy them all very much. It is also a great opportunity for you to meet people outside your house and classes. The activities normally take palace after school. In sixth form you do have some study periods, which you can choose to spend on some independent learning in the library. Some would have music lessons or IELTS during their frees. On Saturdays you normally have activities and supporting workshops in the morning, and you would be free for the rest of the weekend. You can choose to go to town and have meals in restaurants with your friends, or you can also choose to go to Birmingham to do some shopping.
The class size is slightly bigger but reasonable. More independence is required. The teachers are always challenging pupils in a positive way. They also encourage pupils to extend knowledge outside lessons. It can feel slightly intensive in the beginning as the teachers really push you to achieve your best, but gradually you get used it and you also learn how to use your time more efficiently.
The school is also very supportive in terms of giving career advice. We have a brilliant career's department. Their support starts from helping pupils to choose your A level combination and all the way to university application. The school quite frequently invites professionals from all areas outside of the schools to do presentations or lecture, which I find really interesting.
In general I feel very happy studying here. Everyday is full of challenges and I feel that there is so much more that I can do in this school!
Thank you very much