入学要求 Requirement:
学术要求: A good second class honours degree (or equivalent) in economics.
学费 Tuition Fee:2011-12 £ 12,060
课程特征 Course Features:
The Econometrics degree offers a thorough training in advanced economics and econometrics. Building on a sound general training in econometric methods, the project-oriented core modules in empirical macroeconomics, applied microeconometrics and financial econometrics introduce you to the theory and practice of econometric modelling. The programme is one of the few courses in the UK to offer specialist training in advanced econometric methods and their application. Economists with quantitative skills and experience in empirical research are in high demand in both the private and public sector.
课程内容 Course Content :
•Core modules in Advanced Macroeconmics; Advanced Microeconomic Theory of Consumers, Markets and Welfare; Econometric Methods.
•Two from: Applied Microeconometrics; Empirical Macroeconmics; Financial Econometrics
•Research Methods
•Two optional modules
•Dissertation of 10-12,000 words on an approved topic
教学与评估 Teaching and Assessment:
Assessment is based on a mixture of assignments, projects and written examinations (in May). You then write a supervised dissertation between June and September.