入学要求 Requirement:
学术要求:A good honours degree of at least 2.1 classification or equivalent. A degree in the History of Art is recommended but is not an essential requirement for admission to the course of study leading to the MLitt.
英语要求:A minimum of IELTS 7.0. TOEFL Paper based: 580-600
学费 Tuition Fee:20122013 £12,200
课程特征 Course Features:
The courses are designed to develop and enhance core research and writing skills, to introduce and deepen knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of Art History, and to enable students to explore specific time periods, art media and contextual questions.
课程内容 Course Content :
Art History at St Andrews offers students the opportunity to sample a diverse range of subject areas, from early medieval art and architecture to the radical avant gardes of the twentieth century; or to create a specialised pathway of coursework which concentrates upon a specific chronological period, medium or theme. 4 optional courses drawn mainly from postgraduate modules, ranging from classical antiquity to the 20th century. The PGDip is intended primarily for students lacking a full honours degree in Art History.
An average of 13.5 for the taught courses must be achieved in order to progress to the MLitt dissertation.
教学与评估 Teaching and Assessment:
Course assessment methods
Method of assessment Percentage
Written coursework/continuous assessment 50 %
Dissertation 50 %