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课程类型: 硕士课程
计算机 / IT硕士
学校名称: 朴茨茅斯大学 University of Portsmouth
学校位置: 东南地区
课程长度: 12个月
开学日期: 9月
朴茨茅斯大学 University of Portsmouth
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入学要求 Requirement:

A second-class honours degree in a relevant subject, or equivalent professional experience and/or qualifications.

英语要求:English language proficiency at a minimum of IELTS band 6.0 or equivalent.

学费 Tuition Fee:2011/2012     £11,000

课程特征 Course Features:
This course aims to provide you with the inter-disciplinary knowledge, attributes and skills necessary to apply the principles of advanced manufacturing systems within the manufacturing industry.

You will gain a broad appreciation of materials, processes and techniques, together with the methods used for their evaluation in advanced manufacture, as well as build up an overview of developments in information technology and the ways that software can be applied within manufacturing systems.

The course also explores the full range of benefits that may be achieved through advanced manufacturing technology and the need to match manufacturing techniques with the product, company and the market. It will engender your understanding of the management role in the investigation, implementation and operation of manufacturing systems for efficiency, cost effectiveness and quality of product. It will also encourage you to develop a flexible systems approach to originating, adapting and developing processes and systems to meet changing technological, management, economic and social criteria.

课程内容 Course Content :

•Integrated Manufacturing Systems: systems concepts and techniques are developed in logistics and manufacturing areas with a strong emphasis on simulation techniques and practical case study analysis.

•Operations and Quality Management: a strategic approach is used with modern inventory and supply chain management and logistics tools and techniques. Management strategies are developed for quality, including quality systems and quality control.

•Manufacturing Processes and Materials: modern processes and techniques are evaluated, including rapid prototyping/manufacture. Material selection is incorporated with particular emphasis on modern composite materials including eco-friendly options using natural fibres.

•Supply Chain Management: supply chain management involves the coordination of production, inventory, location and transportation, among participants in a supply chain. This unit considers the principles and tools of supply chain management, with an emphasis on lean six sigma methods.

•Research Methods: research tools and methodologies are introduced and skills are developed in the critical analysis of research reports and data. A significant literature search and review is accomplished on an individual research topic.

•Project Management: project management techniques are reviewed and a major case study analysed. Practical experience of organising responsibilities and working in project teams is a strong feature of this unit.

•Virtual Prototyping for Production: a systematic approach is developed for the planning and specification of automated systems with consideration of virtual prototyping tools and techniques. Human factor requirements are critically analysed from ergonomic principles applied to workplace design.

•CAD/CAM Systems: an integrated approach is used towards CAD and CAM. Significant practical hands-on experience is given with commercial level software. Emphasis is placed on case study analysis and system selection and evaluation.

•Individual Project: a strong feature that comprises a third of the course. You will be encouraged to undertake projects where possible in industrial companies. However, we also use our extensive resources and staff skills to undertake them within the University.

教学与评估 Teaching and Assessment:
Assessment is geared towards the subject matter in a way that encourages a deeper understanding and allows you to develop your skills. It takes many forms and will include examinations, dissertations, assessed coursework and laboratory work.

专业认证Professional accreditation:
The course has been accredited as suitable 'further learning' by the Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IMechE), leading to chartered engineer status.

职业机会 Career Opportunities:
This course has a record of almost 100 per cent of students gaining employment in relevant areas. Typical careers followed include:
•manufacturing management (production management, quality management)
•logistics management
•systems engineering (operations, design and maintenance)
•production engineering (developing processes)
•design engineering
•project management
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