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课程类型: 硕士课程
学校名称: 伯明翰大学 University of Birmingham
学校位置: 中部西区
课程长度: 12个月
开学日期: 9月
伯明翰大学 University of Birmingham
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入学要求 Requirement:

学术要求:Entry to our postgraduate programmes usually require a good Honours degree, or equivalent if you were educated outside the UK.

英语要求: IELTS 6.5 with no less than 6.0 in any band

学费 Tuition Fee:2011/2012        £14,010

课程特征 Course Features:

The course is intended for students who wish to upgrade their professional and academic standing in critical discourse, cross-cultural communication and the media. It is particularly suitable for students/researchers who want to move into higher education, journalism, and research into the role of communication in media and society.

课程内容 Course Content :

You will study these modules:

•Discourse Culture and Communication
This module covers aspects of how spoken and written discourse is organised, how it varies, and how it may be described and analysed. There is a strong focus on issues of culture and communication and on the critical interpretation of texts.

•Optional module

Choose from Describing Language; Introduction to Translation Research; Introduction to Lexicography, Introduction to Corpus Linguistics.

•Social and Multimodal Aspects of Communication
This module aims to provide an overview of the major issues in the area of Sociolinguistics and Multimodal Communication, with particular reference to new theories that takes into consideration a diversity of communicative modes – language, image, music, sound texture and gesture. The perspective taken in this course assumes that communication always happens in a social context and it is always multimodal. The first part of the course will discuss the main theoretical approaches to language placed in the social world. The second part will explore new ways of understanding and analysing multimodal communication.

•Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
This module includes a course in methods and approaches to research in Applied Linguistics. In addition, students select one option from the range on offer and apply what they have learned to a small research project.

•Intercultural Communication
The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the major issues in the area of Intercultural Communication, with particular reference to developments in the last 20 years. In today's global world, it is necessary to communicate successfully across cultural boundaries of languages, styles and values. This module will address these questions, using participants' cultural background as the basis for contrastive analysis in terms of language difference, pragmatics, social semiotics and visual communication.

You will also study one optional modules:
•Bilingual Dictionaries and Terminology
•Business English
•Computer Assisted Language Learning
•Corpus Linguistics
•Discourse for Teachers
•English as a Global Language
• English for Specific/Academic Purposes
• Forensic Linguistics
• Genre Analysis
• Language and Literature
• Management of Innovation
• Media Literacy
• Teacher Training
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