入学要求 Requirement:
学术要求: An Honours degree in a relevant subject, or a professional or academic qualification recognised as equivalent to an Honours degree. If you do not have the required qualifications, but do have professional experience you may be eligible to gain credit for previous learning and experience through the AP(E)L system. Your experience is assessed as a learning process and tutors will evaluate that experience for currency, validity, quality and sufficiency.
Portfolio advice
Your portfolio should cover your most recent commercial or academic activity, showing your aptitude, ability and experience in typographic design. This can be supported with visual summary documents showing your research and working processes.
英语要求:IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 90
学费 Tuition Fee:2011/2012 £13,300
课程特征 Course Features:
MA Contemporary Typographic Media at LCC offers the opportunity to investigate the inherent ambiguity and dynamism of visible language through the intensive study of type and typographic design. The programme is nationally and internationally unique in its provision, taking a wide multi-disciplinary and exploratory approach to two closely related, but distinctive, fields of study: type design and typographic implementation. This reflects sustained, intense interest in both areas from undergraduate and postgraduate students over several years and is motivated directly by the requirements of the design profession.
课程内容 Course Content :
Phase 1
•Unit 1.1 Text/Media
•Unit 1.2 Text/Context
•Unit 1.3 Major Project Proposal
Phase 2
•Unit 2.1 Workshop Options
•Unit 2.2 Text/Performance
•Unit 2.3 Major Project Definition
Phase 3
•Unit 3.1 Major Project Resolution: Practical and Report
•Unit 3.2 Major Project Resolution: Thesis