入学要求 Requirement:
学术要求: You will normally have a recognised first degree in a professional area (eg BEd) or a recognised first degree together with, where appropriate, a recognised professional qualification.
英语要求:Requirement is a 6.0 IELTS score
学费 Tuition Fee:2011/2012 £11,500
课程特征 Course Features:
Our course provides an exciting professional development opportunity for all concerned with the enhancement and development of education in every sector and level of education, training, educational management and administration.
It will be of interest to you if you are a teacher, lecturer, manager or administrator who aims to make a positive contribution to the development of education within your own national or international context. During our course, you will examine contemporary issues in education and practical solutions to problems that might arise. You will explore contextual and global dimensions to education, training and management, and apply theoretical insights to practical problems that confront professionals.
课程内容 Course Content :
There are four modules each worth 30 credits:
- Education, Society and Development
- Methods of Enquiry
and two route choices from a range of specialist modules, for example:
- Concepts, Problems and Analysis
- Early Childhood Studies
- Education Management
- Higher Education Practice
- Vocational Education and Training
You will also undertake a dissertation (60 credits) on a topic related to your own professional concerns. A total of 180 credits is required for the award of the Master’s degree.
教学与评估 Teaching and Assessment:
You will have training on information technology, research skills and instruction on electronic methods of accessing resources. The University has a virtual learning environment called Blackboard which you will be able to take advantage of wherever you are.
Tutors within the School employ a variety of teaching and learning techniques including lectures, seminars, group and individual tutorials. Face-to-face and online communication will assist you throughout the teaching and assessment process. There are no formal examinations.
Study Support
Throughout the course, as well as your academic tutors, you are assigned a personal tutor who can be consulted on any matter. The School of Education and Professional Development also has a dedicated Academic Skills Tutor who provides individual support and guidance with your study.